AAAAAAAH udah lama ga blogging, bukannya gimana, saya baru selesai UN, dan sebenernya masih ada 1 ujian lagi, ujian RSBI 3, wish me luck pals :)
i realized that my blog IS very mess, i try to make it better, i just haven't a lot of time for that thing.
dan apaaaa, saya lagi mabuk boy, i'm fallin' in love, 20 April yang lalu saya jadian sama Mochammad Luthfi Dzulfikar, oh my God, he is, trully boy i wait for.
cerita ahhhh..asalnya saya ga tau lah ga nyadar kalo dia ada rasa *AHEYYYY* padahal kata dia, udah dari bulan JANUARI aha aha. terus kita SMSan, bener lah awalnya saya sama dia suka perang ngomong kasar, terus suatu hari dia ngajak damai meren yah, dari situ we kita contact-contactan, awalnya aku minta nomer dia, udah aja smsan.
one day, saya kan orangnya suka ceplas-ceplos, ngomong SAYANG kesana sini, eh gataunya pas ngomong SAYANG ke pacar aku itu, dia ngerespon! dari situ sampe 22:21 kita HTSan.
tadinya aku tatut AHAHAHA takut dimainin, pas malem2 lagi yman, yaaaa, it happened, exactly prosesnya dari jam 22:22 sampe 23:23, isn't it good? :)
horray dari situ tiap hari dia popped in my mind, udah 2 kali saya ngelindur gara-gara dia. hhhhh pokonya saya senengggggggg banget lah, takut saya kehilangan kamu, bener deh.
i am going to make this blog get well, soon :D
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
AHHHHHH long time no blogging :)
diterbitkan oleeeeh Risma Nur Indah at 07.42 0 comments
Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009
that isn't bad but i can't
Kamis october 22 2009
aku kabur setelah pulang sekolah ke rumah karena beberapa hari ini banyak yang bilang bakal ada seorang cowo yang nyatain cinta dan aku tau orangnya. damn. bukan gue ga suka atau gimana sama dia. jujur emang gue ga pernah liat seorang cowo dari luarnya mau itu dari face-look atau his posture gue ga pernah peduli. gue cuma liat cowo dari tingkah lakunya, orang ini pinter, soleh, baik banget lah pokonya gue akuin gue suka. tapi jujur ga terlintas di benak gue untuk pacaran saat ini.
gue orangnya gak tegaan. dan dia mau nyatain cintanya LANGSUNG (katanya) dan gue ga sanggup untuk jawab engga. bodohnya.
buat 'kamu' kalo misalnya baca ini. pesen aku cuma : "please yah mendingan ga usah aja. aku cuma gak tega bilang engga sama kamu okay. I love you I love them I love everybody I love my hater okay take care.."
diterbitkan oleeeeh Risma Nur Indah at 22.01 0 comments
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Jonas Brothers newest video
hello blog. langsung aja ya. malem itu adekku buka fb, eh ada video gitu. asek, keren lah pokonya videonyaa. nih linknya . judulnya bounce. buka aja daaah. nih liriknya:
Let's get it bouncing in here
BOUNCE, just Bounce
Let me see that body bounce
'Cause my rhythms are so fly
And my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
BOUNCE, just Bounce
let me see your body bounce
'cause my rhythms are so fly
and my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
Let me see that body bounce baby
(let me see that body bounce)
Let me see that body bounce right
(Yeah Man)
Now I'm the kinda guy that likes to bounce
Now I'm the kind of guy thats got a pet mouse
I'm the kind of guy that likes to scream
And all these other people wanna do it like me
Just Bounce, let me see that body bounce
'*Cause my rhythms are so fly
and my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
Just Bounce, let me see your body bounce
Cause my rhythms are so fly
and my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
Uh, uh, uh! ..
B-to the O- to U- to the N- to the C- to the E
Wait, I can't dance?
That's ok, we show you how to bounce
B-to the O- to U- to the N- to the C- to the E
Wait, I can't dance?
That's ok, we show you how to bounce
B is for Bouncin'
O is for Opportunity
U is for Unity
N is for Nutrition
C is for Community
And E is for Everybody
Do the bounce, bounce
Do the bounce, let me see you bounce
Just BOUNCE, Just Bounce
Let me see that body bounce
'Cause my rhythms are so fly
and my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
BOUNCE, Just Bounce
Let me see your body bounce
'Cause my rhythms are so fly
and my jeans are so tight
that I make these people bounce
Do the Ham and Cheese, Do the Ham and Cheese
(let me see that body bounce baby)
Do the Chicken wing, do the Chicken wing
(let me see that body bounce right)
Do the Ham and Cheese, Do the Ham and Cheese
Do the Chicken Wing, do the Chicken Wing
Yeah Man, Just remember one thing,
Keep on bouncing
I wanna thank
MC D Love, DJ Danger, KJ2,
and my main man Big Rob Productions
Thats all we got for now,
Now Keep it funky and keep it bouncing
all the way to the top
diterbitkan oleeeeh Risma Nur Indah at 18.55 0 comments
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
antara mimpi, masa lalu, dan kenyataan
kemarin sore, pulang sekolah aku menatap hujan (cielaaaaah). inget banget waktu kelas 8. waktu yang bener bener indah kalo hujan. hujan itu hangat, menyentuh dan bener-bener deket. tapi itu masa lalu yang bener-bener udah hancur yang serpihan-serpihannya udah susah disatuin lagi. malah serpihan itu ngiris kulit aku. sakit banget. dan hujan itu dateng lagi kemarin. dan hampir sama dekatnya, namun tidak hangat. hujan itu menyapaku, tapi ga sedalam dulu. hujan itu AKU BENER BENER RINDU. rintik-rintiknya menyanyikan lagu. tapi kenyataan ya kenyataan. hujan itu bukan milik aku lagi. hujan itu tinggal mimpi...
diterbitkan oleeeeh Risma Nur Indah at 07.30 0 comments
Labels: sad saaaaaad
heeeey heeey
howdy bloggeeeeer it's loooooooooooong time no post here :)
sebenernya ga ada ide sih mau nulis apa atau apalah untuk blog ini.
oke cuma m au ngecek aja sih sebenernya. bye bye blog. it's night here. time to sleep!
diterbitkan oleeeeh Risma Nur Indah at 07.21 0 comments
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